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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Saturday, June 1, 2024

PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL: A Guide to Booking Appointments at PGH

Hey everyone! We all know that the Philippine General Hospital or simply PGH, is a fantastic resource for affordable medical care. But let's be honest, scheduling an appointment can feel like a challenge in itself. Fear not, fellow human beings! I'm here to share the experience of my brother and some tips to navigate the appointment system.

Option 1: Brave the Phone

Pick up the phone: Dial the PGH trunkline at (02) 8554-8400. Be prepared for wait times, so grab a cup of coffee and some patience.

Operator on Deck: Once you connect, request to be connected to your desired clinic. There might be a separate number for specific departments, so you can try searching online for the clinic's contact details beforehand.

Appointment Magic: Once connected, explain to the clinic staff that you'd like to schedule an appointment. Be clear about your condition and any medical history relevant to your visit.

Option 2: Face-to-Face (For the Determined Souls)

Head to PGH: This option requires a personal visit to the hospital.

Information is Key: Go to the Information counter and explain that you'd like to schedule an appointment. They'll likely ask for a valid ID and might direct you to the specific clinic for booking.

General Tips for Success:

Time is of the Essence: PGH appointments tend to fill up quickly. Call or visit early, especially for in-demand clinics.

Do your research: If possible, check the clinic's operating hours beforehand. Some clinics might have specific schedules for new patients or follow-up consultations.

Bring Your Records: If you have a previous PGH case number, bring it along. This helps expedite the process.

Patience is a Virtue: Unfortunately, waiting times can be long at PGH. Bring a book, some music, or a friend for company.

Bonus Round: Online Appointment System (Limited Availability)

There have been talks about an online appointment system for PGH. While it isn't widely available yet, keep an eye out for updates on the PGH website ( or their official Facebook page.

Good news! I was able to confirmed from my brother the link he used in order to book an appointment at UP-PGH.


Register the name of the patient first. Then book an appointment to your desired specialist.

Remember, this is just a guide based on my brothers's experience. Things can change, so
 don't hesitate to ask the PGH staff for clarification if needed.

Have you conquered the PGH appointment system? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below!



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