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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Saturday, May 14, 2016

LBC EXPRESS BAGAL TO THE 9TH POWER: Over Promises and Always Under Deliver

LBC EXPRESS BAGAL TO THE 9TH POWER: Over Promises and Always Under Deliver

Last month, I sent an LBC pouch to my relative in the province and it reached him after 3 (three) working days!

Last week, I expressed doubt when G used the said courier again to send a very important document needed by the same relative at the same address with the same cellphone number.  Meaning its a repeat business and G was confident that it will reach the consignee in just 1 (one) day!

My fear has a valid basis.  After all, LBC Express over promises and always under deliver! Which should not be the case.  Remember, the last pouch I sent took LBC Express three(3) days to deliver! Though the one in charge at LBC Express office promised me that it will reach the consignee the following morning! Yes, that one (1) day became three (3) days the last time. 

And boy was I right! As of today, May 14, 2016, the said document is in oblivion.  It has not reach the consignee just yet.  G sent the document at LBC Express, Inc. at Suki Market, QC. last May 10, 2016 and was supposed to reach the consignee the following day May 11, 2016.

I made a  long distance call to the LBC Express office in that town.  A certain "Greg" who identified himself as an LBC personnel answered my call.  He further said that the said document could not be delivered because the LBC delivery man noted that the name of the consignee is unknown and the address was not complete. 

Shocks, how did my earlier LBC pouch reached my relative last month? Oh, I forgot to tell you, I also made several long distance calls and had to do several local calls through our landline and cellphone for that delivery to happen and I paid more than triple the price just so my relative could received it supposedly in just one (1) day!

To LBC Express please deliver the document or return the said document to us and refund us our payment plus pay for our long distance calls and time! #LBCBULOK #LBCEXPRESSSABAGAL #LBCBAGAL #LBCPagong 



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