CHEER UP: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
Happy Morning! Smile! When you're feeling blue and when it seems the whole world is against you, fear not! Because when God is with you, who will go against you? Straighten your shoulders. Then breath in and breath out. Smile! Cheer up!
Be happy! God has given you another day to smile and be well! Cheer up! Shake away all your frustrations, anger and fears.
Today is a brand new day! Another day, another hour, another minute, another chance to be good. Don't waste your chance! Do good and be good.
Be happy! God has given you another day to smile and be well! Cheer up! Shake away all your frustrations, anger and fears.
Today is a brand new day! Another day, another hour, another minute, another chance to be good. Don't waste your chance! Do good and be good.