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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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The Great Wall of China in Mutianyu

The Great Wall of China is referred to in Mandarin as Wanli Changcheng (10,000-Li Long Wall or simply very long wall) BEIJING, CHINA- S...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Broken Heart

My heart got broken exactly four years ago today when my Papa died. I felt the world stopped and my heart stopped beating when they told me my Papa was gone.

I couldn't believe that my Papa who was so strong-willed will succumb to death without a fight. I always believed that my Papa would survive and spring back to life. That's how I viewed Papa, someone so strong and gentle at the same time, kind, understanding and loving. I love him so much.

A big part of me died when my Mama died two years before Papa. Yes, I must admit I have never really gotten over the death of my parents. Don't try to talk me out of my sadness if you still have both your parents with you. Talk is cheap. You will never feel the pain I have in my heart. You will never fit in my shoes. If you also lost both your parents, please impart some words of wisdom to me if you can, please. So I can move on...Yes, this is a cry for help.

I always asked God why he took my Mama and Papa away from me. I know, you will tell me that they're happy in heaven now. A lot of people told me that. Yes, I know for a fact that my parents are in heaven now. Why? Because my parents were so kind, loving and understanding. I would never trade anything in the world for them. They're the best parents one could ever wish for.

I hope things will get better now that I understand that this isn't the end and I will see my mama and papa again. I am lucky I was able to give him a big hug and a kiss before his heart attack. But still, it is difficult to hold back the tears and to stop my longing for my parents.

It’s difficult to let both of you go but I must…I know I must....Please Pray with me for my Papa's Death Anniversary today...I am literally crying when I compose this post-(

Loving God,

Listen to our prayer as we remember Constancio Sy on the anniversary of his death.
We thank you for the good things you have done among us by his life and example.
Grant that he may rejoice with you in heaven, as we journey to your kingdom.
Keep us faithful in following the way of Jesus that we may live in your love.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Is Glaucoma already ruining your sight?

Is your eyesight slowly blurring? It may be a sign of the dreaded disease called glaucoma. As the darkness of glaucoma ruins the quality of life for you and your family, it’s most dire effects can be temporarily circumvented with proper knowledge of what it is.

Glaucoma is an incurable eye disease that gradually steals vision. This means that as your days pass, blindness slowly take over a person’s life. Save what was left of your eyesight. Have yourself or your love ones check before its too late.

Glaucoma damages the optic nerve, which is the cable that connects the eye to the brain. Damage to this very crucial nerve is permanent and causes shrinking of the visual field, leading to blindness.
In the Philippines, glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness. As an advocacy against glaucoma, the Philippine Glaucoma Society is aggressively promoting awareness of the disease in the country in partnership with Allergan.

How exactly can you know that you have glaucoma already? You can’t. Only your doctor can pinpoint exactly if it truly is glaucoma that is ruining your eyesight as symptoms of the disease may not be apparent in the early stages.
Although mostly asymptomatic early on, a small percentage of cases of glaucoma have episodes of eye and head pain, blurred vision, redness, headache, vomiting and seeing rainbows around lights.
Patients who have high eye pressure, family history of glaucoma, are aged over 45 years old, previous eye injury, chronic steroid use, diabetes mellitus, or Asian descent have a higher risk of getting glaucoma.

High eye pressure

The normal range of eye pressure is 10-21 millimeters of mercury.  Your doctor measures your eye pressure using a special instrument called a tonometer. 
Eye pressure alone does not cause glaucoma; however, it is the most significant risk factor for the disease. If diagnosed with high eye pressure, it is smart to frequently get comprehensive eye examinations to check for signs of glaucoma. It is only the only risk factor that can be modified with treatment.

Diabetes mellitus

Patients with diabetes are also at high risk of getting the incurable eye disease. This is by virtue of the two diseases occurring in a similar age group (>50 years). There is also a certain type of glaucoma resulting from diabetic complications in the retina. This usually occurs in long-standing uncontrolled diabetes. 

Family History 

Open-angle glaucoma, one of the most common types of glaucoma, is hereditary. If you have immediate family members with glaucoma, you are more susceptible to the disease compared to those without it.


There are many studies that show the relationship between the chronic use of steroids and glaucoma. Long-term steroid use may cause elevation of the eye pressure and cause glaucomatous damage to the optic nerve. Common indications for steroids are asthma, arthritis, severe allergies, eczematous skin conditions. If you are being given steroids for more than 1 month ask to be referred to an eye doctor for measurement of eye pressure.

Eye injury

A previous eye injury also makes a patient susceptible to glaucoma. Injuries that penetrate the eye may damage the drainage channels of the eye causing high eye pressure. Common causes of these are sports-related injuries.
There is no cure yet for glaucoma. The only thing that you and your doctor can do is slow down the damage that glaucoma causes on not only your vision but also your life. 
Remember, for glaucoma, early detection is the only solution. Visit your doctor and find out if glaucoma is already ruining your sight.

Kim Chiu talks about Delfi Goya

Kim Chiu talks about Delfi Goya
Pretty Kim Chiu talks about Delfi Goya when she visited Love Radio 90.7 and Yes FM 101.

Goya Brand ambassadress popular actress and Certified movie queen Kim Chiu had made a security guard happy. Actually Kim definitely left a smile on everyone's face including the staff and hosts of the said programs.

For more of this story please click here.



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