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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Global Wellness Day Philippines 2016

Global Wellness Day Philippines 2016

July 11, 2016 marks the very first time that the Philippines participated in the Global Wellness Day celebrated every second Saturday of June every year worldwide dedicated to living well.

Finally, Filipinos can now proudly say that "We say YES to Global Wellness Day!" 

The organization's slogan “One day can change your whole life,” has confronted me to my face because of my health issues and largely due to the fact that at 5'6" I am overweight, I can't even see my neck anymore :-(  I have a standing offer from a good Samaritan to start my beautification "balik alindog(back to shape) program but my brother keeps on urging me to go back home to our province to help out in our family business. Tuliro, di makakain, di makatulog, nakakapangit ang stress na ito! The event invite that I got is very timely indeed. 

So on the second Saturday of June, I woke up at 5 o' clock in the morning, took a bath then got dress, then put inside my backpack an extra pants and shirt plus my crocs slippers just in case I need to change. Of course, I also brought with me my make-up kit, brushes, eye make-up, eye lashes curlers, powder, cellphones, charger, extra batteries, basically almost everything inside my house. Ha ha ha!

Whether you admit it or not, all of us would like to be healthier, to look better, and to live well both physically and spiritually. Living well is almost the entire world’s shared dream. Even some bible verses had mentioned wellness as part of God's plan for all of us.

"Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body", according to the bible.

I was already panting like a dog when I reached Three Salcedo at around 7 o'clock in the morning and was instructed to climb the stairs, with my heavy full-packed backpack. With a heavy backpack errr heart, I glance at the stairs. It doesn't look like "the second floor" to me...shocks! I already walked a good one (1) kilometer trying to locate Tordesillas Street in Makati. I then slowly went up "the second floor" ( rolling my eyes here, it looks like it's "the third floor" ha ha ha!  Hello fellow attendees do you agree? Yeah? ) I heave a sigh of relief when I reached the top of the stairs, yes! Success! I immediately make a right turn and found the exact location of the event. I  then register at the booth and look around the gym. I don't recognize a single soul.  I then asked for a glass of water. The water I drank after that high flight of stairs tasted so good that I had to ask for another glass. Whoah! Then from out of nowhere, achi Joy appeared! Yes! My fairy godmother is here! She is the one who invited me and I immediately walk towards her and exchange pleasantries.  Sexy and a super mom personified achi Joy doesn't look her age. She exudes wellness in the real sense of the word! She's beautiful inside and out.

Firefighters, volunteers, fitness buffs, motorcycle enthusiasts, men, women and their children from all walks of life troop to FTX fun intense fusion training at the second floor of Three Salcedo at Tordesillas St., in Makati City.

We were then given food to nourish our body.  The wellness breakfast consists of organic bihon and malunggay pandesal served with coffee. Breakfast combined with yoga will give you a certain high. The meal is simple but delicious.  We were then introduced to the event organizer Vicky.  

The positive energy of the people who attended the activity rubbed off on me.  I totally enjoyed the exercises, the yoga and the inspiring talk given by Charmie De Leon of Healthway.  Christian Church pastor Manu Reyes aka the “Fitness Pastor”, fitness brand ambassador and consultant for corporate fitness solutions discussed how a good deed daily keeps you healthy. I particularly like the talk given by political satirist/ director/ commercial actress "Juana Change" a.k.a Mae Paner. 

As a political activist, we know Juana Change as the woman with balls. So, I was surprised when she shared to everybody that she's among the thousands if not millions of Filipinas who were brain-washed by commercialism into believing that each one of us must look like "Anne Curtis" who happens to be "maputi"  (fair skin) while a typical Filipina like Mae Paner has "maitim na balat" (dark complexion).  Anne has a "matangos na ilong"(prominent nose) while Mae has "ilong na pango" (flat nose).  Anne is sexy and Mae is 267 Ibs. at 5'2".  Anne has a long straight hair and most Filipinas has curly or wavy if not frizzy hair.

Well, can you blame her for thinking that way? No! Because, almost everyone, including me thinks the same way too!  Well, not with the "maputi na balat" (fair complexion) part though because I was never afraid to walk under the heat of the sun especially before when I can still travel. 

Where did this low self-esteem came from? Commercialism! ( Mismo!) Commercialism dictates who and what should be beautiful. Ika nga, ikinakahon ng commercialismo ang mga babae sa panahon na ito. ( Women of today became the girl in the box).

But, Mae found a way to get out of that box. She told her reflection that she is beautiful period. And boy was she surprised when her boy crush suddenly said that she looks different that day, that there is something about Mae that is different and that she looks beautiful!  She found for herself the ultimate key to wellness! It was liberating! The acceptance of what and who she is!  A beautiful creature of God. From then on she radiates that aura. 

Mae even posed nude to more than 80 painters. And she said that she even landed at the cover of playboy magazine in 2013 and became the lead star of a movie. Mae said she was the star at that "Boysen" commercial where she played as the nagger wife. Mae also shared with us that she's a Pieta actress and she had also directed several commercials.

Mae's realization was indeed mind blowing! It is in loving yourself pala, growing and flourishing in mind, body and soul that we attained physical, mental and spiritual well-being. We need to have an unconditional self-acceptance, an understanding of our own faults and acceptance of our imperfections while still trying to be the best version of ourselves. It is only by loving and accepting yourself that you could begin to love others as well.

Mae and Ms. Vicky awarded the spa gift certificate to the first raffle draw winner named Jewel, a motorcycle enthusiasts and volunteer who according to his mentor Mr. Mel has a pure heart, generous in giving help to other people. A jewel in the real sense of the word.

Living well does not only constitute physical fitness but also doing a good deed everyday.

You could see by the look on their faces that they are happy! They're ecstatic while dancing and loving it.

The husband and wife that exercise together stays together.

The singing firefighters?

The body needs to move in order to function well. Moving with spiritual intent leads to a healthy, blooming and develop body. A strong body is a foundation for a balanced physical, mental and spiritual lifestyle.

Manifest your vision into reality.

The children are never too young to start celebrating wellness with their parents.

There was also a free hand massage, make-up and half-body massage plus raffle prizes.

Thank you Mary Kaye for my hair and make-up! 

Happiness radiates from inside out.

I hope to be invited next time around. Thank you for the invitation achi Joy, I truly enjoyed the event. Thank you Ms.Vicky and to your friends who became my friends too that day! You helped me realized that I am beautiful indeed because I was made in the image and likeness of my God.  It was completely liberating!

Kudos to all of you for a job well done!

Be good to yourself. Treat your body well. Men, women, or whose gender is in between, together with your children, please celebrate with us the next time around!

Global Wellness Day Philippines, Fitness, FTX, Gym, Global Wellness Day, 2016 Global Wellness Day


The 7 Steps of the Global Wellness Day Manifesto

  • Walk for an hour
  • Drink more water
  • Do not use plastic bottles
  • Eat organic foods
  • Do a good deed
  • Have a family dinner
  • Sleep at 10:00 pm

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

4 ways to win thru the M4L Express of Sunlife of Canada: Bus to the Future!

4 ways to win thru the M4L Express of Sunlife of Canada: Bus to the Future!

How lucky could you get? Well, you are one lucky individual because you came across this post!  Because you can now have a chance to meet and go to an all expense vacation in Japan with no other than Sunlife ambassador Papa Piolo Pascual!!!! Yeah!  Read on!

M4L Express: Bus to the Future!

MEET and Greet Piolo in Japan
MOMENTS with the Bus to the Future
MILESTONES of your Life Stage
MEMES and Tips from the Prosperity Tree

A. MEET and Greet Piolo in Japan!!! Yes!!!!

Step 1: Spot our “MFL Express: Bus to the Future” in any of its bus stops
Step 2: Get on board by getting tickets on-site or by securing “fast pass” tickets through Sun Life Philippines’ Fast Pass Facebook App
Step 3: Experience our first-ever Virtual Reality program on the bus to take a peak of your possible future
Step 4: Claim your raffle entry from the Sun Life Advisors on the bus for a chance to win one of 5 Sun Life Prosperity Cards worth P20,000 each or a trip plus meet-and-greet with Papa Piolo Pascual in Japan.

Promo Duration: June 1 to July 3, 2016
Japan Trip schedule: July 25, 2016

B. MOMENTS with the Bus to the Future

SPOT and snap a photo of the MFL Express: Bus to the Future as it drives around EDSA Taft, North EDSA, Pasay and BGC starting June 3 until June 10. Post the photos on social media using the hashtags #Money4Life and #SunLifePH to get exciting prizes.

C. MILESTONES of your Life Stage

VISIT any M4L event, SNAP your photo in our life stage booths, and UPLOAD your photo over social media using the hashtags #Money4Life and #SunLifePH for a chance to win Instax cameras!

D. MEMES and Tips from the Prosperity Tree

PICK instant prizes at the Prosperity Tree in any M4L bus stops and get the chance to win a P5,000 Sun Life Prosperity Card

M4L Express Mall Bus Stops with special guests Clara Benin and Brisom:

June 11 Bonifacio High Street, 9th Ave.
June 19 Eastwood, Quezon City
June 25 SM Cebu Atrium
July    2 Solenad 3, Nuvali

M4L Express School Bus Stops:

June   2 MAPUA Institute of Technology
June 12 Ateneo Graduate School of Business
June 16 De La Salle University

June 17 University of the Philippines Diliman
June 20 San Sebastian College
June 24 University of San Carlos Cebu
June 29 Lyceum of the Philippines University Manila
June 30 University of the Philippines Los Banos
What are you waiting for? Go and catch the bus to the future!



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