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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Delightful Gardenia Fresh Pandesal

Delightful Gardenia Fresh Pandesal

Nothing beats the goodness of Gardenia Fresh pandesal. I always make it a point to buy Gardenia Pandesal from my favorite supermarket.

Waking up with the wafting aroma of pandesal will surely bring back many fond memories. Who can forget dipping and dunking this soft bun into a fresh cup of coffee or chocolate drink before relishing it? Some even enjoy pandesal with condensed milk, especially when the thick milk starts to ooze out from the bread and the urgent need to catch and lick it before it spills on the floor. Simple yet delicious treat.

Among the breads in the Philippines, pandesal is undoubtedly the king as it is an important part of our tradition and culture. Recognizing the need of Filipino consumers for high quality pandesal, Gardenia has made its own version of pandesal using world-class standards to ensure utmost quality in both taste and appearance.

Aside from bringing back happy memories, enjoying the delightful goodness of Gardenia pandesal is always a pleasurable experience.

So how does the Gardenia Pandesal experience start?

It begins the minute you pull one out of a pack—the smell of deliciousness and freshness. You’d almost instantly want to savor on its delightful flavor. The first bite is another story, experiencing the delectable taste the moment you sink your teeth onto its crusty outside yet blissfully soft inside.

One more distinctive attribute of Gardenia pandesal is it’s delicious hot or not. It’s disappointing when the bread you heated becomes hard as a stone when you take it off from the oven. But with Gardenia, consumers are assured that the pandesal will remain tasty, filling and appetizing even after heating or re-heating it, just like the moment you bought it from the supermarket.

Whether with scrambled eggs, fried spam or hotdog, ham, peanut butter, coconut jam, plain good butter or just by itself, Gardenia pandesal could be consumed during breakfast, merienda in the afternoon or late in the evening since it can stay fresh and soft longer, making Gardenia a sure-fire and practical choice for consumers. Plus, Gardenia Pandesal is packed with vitamins and minerals, a bit of news that would certainly bring a smile to Mommies’ faces since they know that every bite of Gardenia Pandesal is good for their kids’ health and nutritional needs.

Consumers are also assured that Gardenia observed strict quality control in the production of its bread products, giving Mommies peace of mind.

For Mommies who want to whip up something for their kids’ merienda or baon that they can enjoy once they go back to school, try making your own by adding tomato sauce and their favorite toppings to an open-faced pandesal and pop it in the oven for that instant, home-made pizza! For office workers, grab a bottle of your favorite soda—or again with coffee—together with Gardenia pandesal for that quick yet tasty break time treat. Longing for palaman for your pandesal, you could always use any savory left-over food from the refrigerator.

To know more about the delicious Gardenia Pandesal and its other bread products, visit



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