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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Friday, March 11, 2011


DFA: HOTLINE NUMBERS FOR THOSE WITH RELATIVE IN JAPANThe Department of Foreign Affairs provided a 24-hour hotline numbers and e-mail available for those with families in Japan.

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) has set up hotline numbers and an e-mail address for those who would like to inquire about the conditions of Filipinos in Japan in light of the 8.9 magnitude quake that hit northeast Japan Friday causing damages and tsunamis along the country’s coastlines, including the capital city of Tokyo.

The hotline numbers at the DFA-OUMWA’s Crisis Management Center are:
  • 834-4646 
  • 834-4580.
E-mail address

The Philippine Consulate General in Osaka reported to the DFA that Consulate personnel felt the impact of the earthquake at their 24th floor office, but they are safe and there is no damage to the consulate office.

Consulate officials stated that there is not much damage to the western and southern regions of Japan, and that the focus of attention of Japanese and Filipinos in their area is Sendai, Honshu in northeast Japan which bore the brunt of the quake. 
According to the Consulate in Osaka, there are yet no reported injuries within their area.There are some 84,414 Filipino nationals in western and southern regions of the country.

In a written report to the DFA, the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo stated that they are exerting efforts to get in touch with 
members of the Filipino community for initial reports of any injury or casualty and the Philippine Honorary Consulates in 
  • Sapporo
  • Morioka 
  • Nagoya
There are some 224,558 Filipino nationals in central and northern regions of Japan.

Altogether, there are a total of 305,972 Filipinos in Japan.

DFA's hotline number for Japan-related concerns: (+63 2) 834-4646 / 834-4580. (Email:

PHILIPPINE EMBASSY IN TOKYO : +813 5562-1570 / +813 5562-1577 / +813 5562-1590/ (Email:

OWWA Hotlines: (+63 2) 833-6992 / 551-6641 / 551-1560

PHILIPPINE COAST GUARD Hotlines: (+ 63 2) 5273877 or (+63 917) 724-3682 (PCG-DOTC)

NDRRMC Operation Center: (+63 2) 911-1406 / 912-2665 / 912-5668

PHIVOLCS Hotline: 426-1455 to 79

PAGASA Hotline: (+63 2) 927-2877

ABS-CBN Foundation Tsunami hotline: (+63 2) 411-0011 / 411-0012 / (+63 929) 444-7372 / (+63 927) 676-0652



The three main safety measures to be taken during an Earthquake are:




And don’t forget, STAY CALM.

Use a whistle so rescuers could easily rescue you!

 BEFORE an earthquake

Always have a belt bag in your body that contains water, candies, chocolates and some crackers. 

Practice “DUCK, COVER and HOLD drills with your family and at your school or office.

Also practice drills for quick evacuation of a building whenever there is an announcement of an earthquake.

Develop an earthquake plan at home, in your neighborhood, at school, and at work.

Choose the safest place at your home, school or office to take shelter in, during the earthquake.

Plan the safest place to meet in if you are away from each other during the earthquake.

Always charge your cellphone batteries and always have load.

Everyone should know how to turn off the gas supply at the meter in case they smell gas after a large earthquake.

DURING an earthquake

If you are indoors and an Earthquake occurs-

1. Turn away from windows. (Stay clear of windows, fireplaces, woodstoves, heavy furniture or appliances that may fall over.)

2. Crouch under a desk or table. ( Take cover under a sturdy desk, table or other
furniture to protect yourself from the falling debris but if you do want to move, move with the sturdy furniture above you.)

3. Put both hands on the back of your neck and tuck your head down.

4. If the desk or table moves, hold the legs and move with it.

5. Remain there until the ground stops shaking and it is safe to move.

Stay inside to avoid being injured by falling glass or building parts. 

If in a crowded area, take cover where you are.

If you are outside-

 Run to the open, away from power lines and buildings. Try to help elderly people and toddlers.

If you are driving-

Stop at a place away from skyscrapers, bridges and even objects like trees and lamp posts, that may fall on your vehicle.

It is advisable to remain in your vehicle and keep ducked.

Beware, looters start functioning in such chaos. So, keep your vehicles locked.

It is advisable for motorists to get off their bikes and follow measures given in the ‘If you are outside’ scenario.

If you are near mountains or other unstable areas-

1.Be alert for falling rock and other debris that could be loosened by the earthquake.
2. If possible, burrow in the earth to prevent damage caused by falling trees, landslides and rocks.

3. The best option is not to camp when there is an earthquake warning by the media.

If you are at the beach-

Move quickly to higher ground or several hundred yards inland.

AFTER AN earthquake-

Check for injuries. Do not move a seriously injured person unless he is in an immediate danger of further injuries.

Safety checks:

  1. Fire or fire hazards.
  2. Gas leaks: Shut off the main gas valve only if a leak is suspected or identified by the odor of natural gas
  3. Wire Shocks: Shut off power at the control box.
  4. Fallen objects in closets and cupboards: Displaced objects may fall when you open the door.
  5. Downed or damaged chimneys: Approach chimneys with caution. They may be weakened and could topple during an aftershock.
  6. Check your telephone: Make sure each phone is on its receiver.
  7. Clean up: Clean up harmful materials or medicines which may have spilled.

Tsunami hazard:

If you live along the coast, be alert for news of tsunami warnings issued by the Tsunami Warning Center. If you experience a strong earthquake, there may not be time to issue a warning. Move to higher ground as soon as you are able, and stay there until the authorities issue an "all clear."

Expect aftershocks.

Use flashlights or battery-powered lanterns. Do not use lighters, matches, candles, or lanterns until you are sure there are no gas leaks.

Use your telephone only in the event of life-threatening emergencies.

Turn on a battery-powered radio for information, damage reports, and for information on volunteering your assistance.

Keep streets clear for emergency vehicles. Cooperate with public safety officials.

Above all pray!


When their is TSUNAMI ADVISORY NO. 2
If the PHIVOLCS had raised the Tsunami Alert Status to Tsunami Lavel 2.  This means that the threat of tsunami occurrence has escalated.
The following are hereby ordered for disaster avoidance:
1. People are advised to stay away from the shoreline and beaches.
2. Families whose houses are near the coastal areas are now ordered to evacuate to safer ground – ground elevation of four (4) meters above sea level.
3. Evacuation in the target barangays in the nine coastal areas (two cities and seven towns) that are within the barangay are also encouraged to commence even before Alert 3.
4. No sailing out to sea – all sea crafts shall not venture into the sea.  They should rather proceed to deeper sea for their safety.
5. Evacuation should be by FOOT.  Do not bring your vehicles during evacuation as these may cause traffic jams and may complicate the evacuation movement.  Bring food stuff during evacuation.
6. The AFP/PNP shall establish check points in road network leading to the coastal area of the eastern seaboard to prevent the people from going back to the coastal area.
7. Maintain close monitoring the situation from your favorite radio station for PHIVOLCS and PDRRMC updates and advisories.
by Joey Salceda

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