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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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The Great Wall of China is referred to in Mandarin as Wanli Changcheng (10,000-Li Long Wall or simply very long wall) BEIJING, CHINA- S...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

TYPHOON YOLANDA: Google Person Finder

TYPHOON YOLANDA: Google Person Finder

Attention: For those who have lost contact with family, or have information about survivors:

#TyphoonYolanda Google Person Finder can now be found at the top left side of my site

Just click the blue colored label (Typhoon Yolanda Google Person Finder.)

All you have to do is click one of the two (2) options:
  • whether you're looking for someone 
  • or you have an information about someone.
After you click your choice, just type the name of the missing person/persons. If you happen to have an information about someone, please do submit the information. No Jokes please. #behonest #stopmanipulation
Pray! Be strong. This too shall pass. God bless you.


The World Pneumonia Day celebration was held in Tagaytay City last November 8, 2013, with around 100 health advocates including doctors and media gathered at the lobby of Summit Ridge Hotel in Tagaytay City to celebrate the 5th year of its successful fight against the killer disease.
Philippines ranks 10th among countries with the most number of pneumonia cases and is one of the fifteen countries that account for 75 percent of childhood pneumonia cases. Pneumonia is fatal. In some cases it is widespread, and dangerous and yet not many people realizes that it is so simple to prevent it. The simple answer is anti-Pneumonia vaccine.
The dance group, ‘The Maneuvers’ led by Josh did the opening number. 
After which, everyone let their hair down and joined in the fun and dance with Department of Health (DOH) Assistant Secretary Eric Tayag to the tune of "Sapul sa Pulmonya." The song “Sapul sa Pulmonya,” embodied the simple message of “Prevent, Protect and Treat,” through breastfeeding, proper nutrition, avoidance of indoor pollution, vaccines and antibiotics.

The World Pneumonia Campaign celebrates the lives of Filipino children saved by the health department’s anti-Pneumonia campaign and who otherwise would not have seen their 5th Birthday. It was also the fifth year celebration of this campaign against one of the world’s deadliest diseases that have killed millions of young ones already.
How many people, outside of the medical and/or health field, actually know that pneumonia is the number one killer of children below five years old in the world? I bet not a lot of Filipinos know that.
Philippine Foundation for Vaccination (PFV) Executive Director Dr. Lulu Bravo asks help from the media to help them spread the news. Bravo urges mothers to breastfeed their infants for it is the first step in fighting Pneumonia. She also encourages parents to have their kids vaccinated.
Pneumonia accounts for 18% of child deaths and it is preventable. End preventable child deaths. The Government’s aggressive campaign against Pneumonia started in 2008 as it has partnered with the private sector, the Philippine Foundation for Vaccination (PFV). Since it started five years ago, things have started to get better, says the government’s health department. Health studies reveal that one child dies of pneumonia every 20 seconds, which total to around 4,300 children who die of the disease daily. Around 37 of them are Filipino children under the age of 5.
The kiddo receives his Anti-Pneumonia vaccine during the ceremonial vaccination on Thursday, November 8. 
The parents and the kid-recipients of the anti-Pneumonia vaccine, Jade Irish Lobrino, Naifa Maruhom, Phria Amor Magsino, Cyeamshee Selbannia, and Christian James Tapel with DOH ASec Eric Tayag at the 5th year anniversary of the local anti-Pneumonia campaign.
The 5th Birthday of the Philippines’ anti-Pneumonia campaign was concluded by the blowing of this giant cake while everyone in the room sings ‘Happy Birthday.’ 
Giant Cake Happy 5th Birthday World Pneumonia Day
Every Filipino child deserves a fifth birthday. Ask your health provider about available vaccines against pneumonia.

Happy 5th Birthday World Pneumonia Day!

RED CROSS: Donate Direct

RED CROSS: Donate Direct
Donate directly to Red Cross please. The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) could arrange for donation pick-up. 

PRC identifies and directly gives help to those in need without going through government channels or politicians.

Don't just believe anyone trying to solicit for your donations. Choose well. Be wary of wolves in sheeps' clothing. 

It is sad to know that some opportunists will do everything just to get something out of other people's misery. 
Why do these cruel people wanted some in-kind donations for themselves? Pagpipipilian muna ang mga donations bago ibigay?

Be on the look out for false good samaritans who come to you in sheeps' clothing but inside they are cruel wolves. They smile a lot, dripping with practiced sincerity.

Sa kapwa ko Filipino, hang on, help is on the way. God bless us all.



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