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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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The Great Wall of China in Mutianyu

The Great Wall of China is referred to in Mandarin as Wanli Changcheng (10,000-Li Long Wall or simply very long wall) BEIJING, CHINA- S...

Monday, October 22, 2012

GARDENIA: Happy Bread Day!

GARDENIA: Happy Bread Day!
This is our daily Bread! My brother and I are Gardenia fanatics. We eat different Gardenia breads at home almost everyday. My favorite is the Gardenia Wheat Pandesal, my brother loves the Gardenia Wheat Bread.
We were luckily invited last Saturday, October 20, 2012 at Eastwood Mall to a fun-filled “Happy Bread Day” 2012 courtesy of Gardenia Philippines. It was a fun, fun Bread day!
We lined up first and registered for the Happy Bread Day event. 
Each of us were given a passport. After reading the mechanics of the Passport to the ultimate Bread experience we proceeded to the booths and had our passport stamped. One (1) booth is equivalent to one (1) stamp.
We got to taste test some Gardenia breads together with other product, like for example, a bite size of Bibbo hotdog pinned in a Gardenia Bread.
 The staff at the booth then stamped your passport. 
You get a souvenir / token after you visited the Gardenia Exhibit Booth and at least four (4) other booths.
I got a free eco bag.
 “Happy Bread Day Show” hosted by popular actress, host and dancer, Ms. Regine Tolentino.
There was also a special cooking demo featuring Chef Rosebud Benitez, former host of the well-loved cooking show “Quickfire,” together with actor and host Drew Arellano.
Various games and tricks was held for the enjoyment of kids and the kids-at-heart!

  “Happy Bread Day.”

For more about Gardenia Bakeries Philippines, Inc. and Happy Bread Day, visit

Gano Cordyceps : A health and energy booster for people on the go

Gano Cordyceps : A health and energy booster for people on the go

Trusted by athletes worldwide. Cordyceps , for people with an active lifestyle,may help enhance physical stamina and fight fatigue, promote healthy respiratory and lung function. It helps reduce bad cholesterol, blood sugar and increase good cholesterol. It may alleviate back and knee pains, and may have anti-aging value. It may also help alleviate sexual dysfunction in males.  

If your fast-paced lifestyle, sports-filled days, frequent partying and/or tedious work demands get you wondering where you’d get the next outburst of sustained energy, not to mention, aid to health, you now have the answer. (Or in certain cases, if your health condition prevents you from pursuing an active life, like some people interviewed with liver or some specific ailments, you may now have the answer.) A food supplement trusted by athletes worldwide, which occupies, in fact, a long history in the tradition of the Olympics, is now in the country through the trusted brand Gano Excel, distributed locally through Gano iTouch Phils. But Cordyceps is not only for the sporty and athletic people, it’s also for those of you who off and on feel that your energy is zapped but simply need to get going.

According to the Gano Excel Founder, Sir Leow Soon SengNutritious and safe to take, Cordyceps is an all-natural, organic capsule made out of an edible mushroom species named Cordyceps, which is used as herbal medicine. It is thus taken not only for energy and stamina, but also for good health.”

“Traditionally called Cordyceps Sinensis, which widely known and used in traditional Chinese medicine,it has been given names in both China and Japan: the Chinese call it ‘DongChongXiaCao’or DCXC, while the Japanese refer to it as ‘Tockukaso’, which means ‘winter-insect and summer-plant’.“

“It is as old as the Qing Dynasty of the 1700s and has been written about by noted Chinese scribes, as something made up of proteins, fibre, crude fats, carbohydrates, cordycepin, cordycepic acid, polysaccharide, and different vitamins, among others; it also increases oxygen utilization and enhances the production of ATP—Adenosine triphosphate, which transports chemical energy within the cell for metabolism,” he adds.

Other Gano Excel research findings about Cordyceps Sinensis: other bioactive components are nucleotides, needed to produce RNA and DNA; ergosterol, which is an important precursor of vitamin D2;amino acids which are protein building blocks; fatty acids, both saturated and unsaturated, which help in lowering blood lipids and protect from cardiovascular diseases; and metal elements, such as Zn, Mg, Mn, which are good for the gonads and kidney. This is verified by the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, which in 2008 stated that Cordyceps Sinensis has a protective effect on organs. From the said journal, one can gather that it deters liver fibrosis, hastens macrophage phagocytosis, and enhances the immune function of organisms with its strong capacity to clear the virus.”

What’s more, Cordyceps was found to boost the weak immune system and suppress overactive immune reaction. This is according The Journal of Leukocyte Biology Volume 85, June 2009. Several studies are available to conclude that Cordycyeps may help enhance physical stamina and fight fatigue, and may promote healthy respiratory and lung function. It helps reduce bad cholesterol and blood sugar and increase good cholesterol. It may alleviate back and knee pains, and may have anti-aging value. It may also help alleviate sexual dysfunction in males.

Sir Leow adds, “There are studies that indicate that Cordyceps has anticancer, anti-metastatic, immuno-enhancing, and antioxidant effects. This is according to Gene Bruno of the 2009 clinical trials MHS of Huntington College of Health Sciences, which support the efficacy of Cordyceps especially on the liver, kidney and the immune system.”

Bruno also made a statement on how Cordyceps aids in endurance. He cites the testimonial of eight female champion Chinese athletes, who vied in 1993 for a track distance event in the Stuttgard World Championships who broke several world records in 1993 in the Chinese National Games in Beijing and won a series of medals at the German World Athletic Championships. The athletes said in unison that they included Cordyceps in their diet along with intense training and dedication. There are now even Filipinos who have tried Cordyceps and will soon be giving testimonials on its efficacy.

Find out more about the Cordyceps food supplement by calling these numbers: (02) 7063152 and 7063137.  Read up on Gano iTouch corporate and product information by visiting their websites and for the international parent company Gano Excel International,

Press Release

MISS INTERNATIONAL 2012: Ikumi Yoshimatsu from Japan

MISS INTERNATIONAL 2012: Ikumi Yoshimatsu from Japan

The   24 year-old, Miss Japan Ikumi Yoshimatsu, was crowned Miss International 2012 at today's grand finale of the Miss International 2012 beauty pageant held at Okinawa Prefectural Budokan Arena Building, Naha, Okinawa, Japan.
Miss International 2012 final results:

- Miss International 2012: Miss Japan, Ikumi Yoshimatsu
- The first runner-up: Miss Finland, Viivi Suominen
- The second runner-up: Miss Sri Lanka, Madusha Mayadunne
- The third runner-up: Miss Dominican Republic, Melody Mir Jiménez
- The fourth runner-up: Miss Paraguay, Nicole Huber
Miss Japan Ikumi Yoshimatsu being crowned Miss International 2012
In November 2011 in Tokyo, Ikumi Yoshimatsu was crowned Miss International Japan 2012.She represented Japan in today's (October 21, 2012) beauty pageant. With the hometown advantage, she beats 68 contestants from around the world to be the first Japanese representative to ever win a Miss International title.

Top 15 of Miss International 2012:
- Miss Colombia, Melissa Varón
- Miss Brazil, Rafaela Butarelli
- Miss Japan, Ikumi Yoshimatsu
- Miss Sri Lanka, Madusha Mayadunne
- Miss Finland, Viivi Suominen
- Miss Namibia, Paulina Malulu
- Miss Venezuela, Blanca Aljibes
- Miss United Kingdom, Alize Lily Mounter
- Miss USA, Amanda Renee Delgado
- Miss Dominican Republic, Melody Mir Jiménez
- Miss Philippines, Nicole Cassandra Schmitz
- Miss Paraguay, Nicole Huber
- Miss Mexico, Jessica García Formenti
- Miss India, Rochelle Maria Rao
- Miss Haiti, Anedie Azael.

Special Awards:
- Miss JOICFP (Best Idea & Concept for Charity): Miss Haiti, Anedie Azael
- Miss Photogenic: Miss Japan, Ikumi Yoshimatsu
- Miss Internet: Miss Myanmar, Nang Khin Zay Yar
- Miss National Costume: Miss Honduras, Nicole Velasquez
- Miss Talent (Performance): Miss Russia, Ekaterina Meglinskaia
- Miss Friendship: Miss Mauritius, Ameeksha Dilchand.

Miss International 2012 has 69 contestants.
HEIGHT                           170 cm
 HOME TOWN                Saga
 COUNTRY                      Japan
 AWARDS                       Miss International Japan 2012
MESSAGE of Yoshimatsu Ikumi on her official home page:
吉松 育美(Yoshimatsu Ikumi)

Birthday: 1987/6/21 Age.25
Blood type:O Height:170
B/W/H: 88/61/90 Shoes size 24.5cm

Hometown: 佐賀県鳥栖市
Hobby: ランニング、ヨガ、読書、映画鑑賞
Skil: 英会話

幼い頃から体を動かすことが大好きで、小学校から中学校までの6年間はバレーボールを、 高校では陸上部で 100m ハードルと走り高跳びを得意種目としていました。 現在でもランニングが生活の一部となっており健康美が目標です。

オリンピック出場の夢を果たすことが出来なかった父の夢を果たすため、 私が父の代わりに世界を目指すようになりました。 世界の架け橋になれるようなグローバルな女性になりたいと思います。

今後はミスインターナショナル 2012 日本代表として、 得意の英語を生かしてチャリティー活動や国際交流に参加させて頂いたり、 大好きなスポーツを通じて健康的な美しさを世の中にアピールしていきたいと考えています。

I have always enjoyed exercising since I was young; I practiced volleyball for 6 years during my elementary and secondary school, and also was a member of the track and field team during my high school years where I excelled in the 100MH and the high jump category.

Even now, running is a great part of my everyday life, therefore I am confident of my healthy beauty.

The reason why I stand before you and the world today is because I am here representing on behalf of my father.My father’s dream was to somehow participate on a global stage. He dedicated his life training to become an Olympic athlete.

I would like to represent Japan as Miss International 2012 by participating in international cultural exchanges and charity activities, and by bringing awareness to the world my love for a healthy beautiful life through sports.
                                                                                                                                                       HEIGHT                           170 cm 
HOME TOWN                Saga 
COUNTRY                      Japan 
AWARDS                       Miss International Japan 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

NUAT THAI LIBIS: Now Bigger and Better

NUAT THAI LIBIS: Now Bigger and Better
Stressed out, tired and unhappy with all the stress brought about by mean individuals? My friend suggested that like me, you should also reinvent your lifestyle through beauty consciousness and surround yourself with good people. On top of that, she suggested that we should expose ourselves to a luxurious and healthy atmosphere. "So, why don't you try the Thai Therapy Massage at Nuat Thai Libis?" asked my friend.

Longing for a more relax state of mind, I took the long standing invitation of Ms. Jo Tan to try Nuat Thai in Libis. Together with my plus one, we headed to Nuat Thai Libis (which is a good one and a half hours away from where we live by private car.) We were welcomed by a comfortable two-seater couch at Nuat Thai reception located at the second floor of RCBC and Allied Bank in Libis, Quezon City just across Shopwise Libis. It's a cozy receiving room that can accommodate more or less around ten people at a given time.
NUAT THAI Libis Spa is the ideal urban retreat to unwind, recharge and melt away the stress of city living. An affordable luxury, it gives comfort and relaxation without putting a hole in your pocket. It boasts of tranquil ambiance, calming aromas, expertly trained/experienced therapists and spa packages at truly affordable prices for an ultimate relaxing and rejuvenating experience. They offer authentic Thai Body & Foot Massage, Swedish massage, Aroma Body Massage with Thai Herbal Compress, Hot Oil Body Massage, Full Body and Foot scrubs, and other Thai spa packages. NUAT THAI started with one branch based in Cebu, it has grown to become a franchisor with branches all over the country. They even have  branch in Bohol according to the massage therapist.
Imagine my surprise when we were ushered inside the massage area, unlike the reception, it is very spacious inside. The dark dim lighting and the over-all ambiance inside has a soothing effect to individuals.

The attendant, washed our feet in the washing area. Then ushered us inside the massage area and let us relax in one of the ten reclining chairs. We got a thirty (30) minutes of foot massage. It was so relaxing.
Composed of twenty beds, seven beds is an elevated beds, ( for Swedish, hot oil, hot stone massageand aroma) Two (2) of which has a shower where they do the body scrub, ten reclining chairs ( Foot Spa), thirteen floor bed (stretching massage, Thai massage, all kind of massage except for the body scrub).
Thai massage is said to be one of the branches of Traditional Thai Medicine (TTM), recognized and  widely considered to be a medical discipline used for the treatment of a wide variety of ailments.
After our foot spa we were asked to transfer in another room, where we were asked to lie down in a single bed for our Thai herbal compress massage, which is a great combination of Thai massage and Thai herbal compress that lasted for two (2) hours.
The herbal compresses can contain up to 14-17 different kinds of traditional Thai herbs, depending on the condition being treated. 

Here is a list of examples of Thai herbals that is commonly use in herbal compress massage.

1. Cassumunar: It helps boost circulation, relieves muscular aches & pains, use to soften the skin

2. Kiffir- Lime: It soothes, deodorizes, reduces depression, anxiety and insomnia 

3. Lemongrass: It helps in digestion, is an antiseptic, treats skin infections and makes you feel relax and fresh.

4. Tamarind leaf: It helps in reducing sprain and swelling, also an antiseptic.

5. Curcumin: It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, treats bacterial and rival infections.

6. Acacia leaves: It’s good for skin diseases.

7. Galanga: It helps in healing bruises and swelling, treating respiratory ailments and skin diseases and takes away the toxins out of the body.

Thai herbal compress massage’s benefits
  • It helps in reduction deep relaxation
  • Relieves stress, anxiety, pain and arthritis
  • Relieves migraines
  • Reduces acute and chronic inflammation
  • Boots up emotional and physical well-being
  • Helps in improving circulation of blood and lymph
  • Helps to stimulate the internal organs
  • Improves muscle injuries, imbalance and pain
  • Prevents illness
  • Slows aging process and degeneration joints and soft tissues
  • Helps with insomnia and other sleep disorders

Getting a massage is a great way to relax, ease pain and to put your stress away. Thank you Ms. Jo Tan and Ms. Janine Go. De-stress now! Treat your spirit, mind and body to a complete and extraordinary reviving, de-stressing experience at Nuat Thai Libis.
2nd Flr, 90 E. Rodriguez Jr. Ave. (libis), 
across Shopwise 
above RCBC and Allied Bank Quezon City, Philippines 
Phone: 4775004
Open Daily: 12:00 Noon - 2 AM

Facebook: Nuat Thai Libis
Twitter: @NuatThaiLIBIS

GEORGINA WILSON: Oozing Hot 2013 Calendar

GEORGINA WILSON: Oozing Hot 2013 Calendar

Presenting the Ginebra San Miguel calendar for 2013.

 Super Hot Georgina Wilson posted on Instagram her 2013 Ginebra San Miguel Calendar. 

What can you say about her calendar? 

UNIQLO AND NOVAK DJOKOVIC:Launches Project "Clothes for Smiles"

UNIQLO AND NOVAK DJOKOVIC:Launches Project "Clothes for Smiles"


Guys and gals a piece of good news from your favorite clothing brand UNIQLO!  
UNIQLO announces last October 16, 2012, the launch of “Clothes for Smiles,” a program developed in collaboration with professional tennis player and UNIQLO Global Brand Ambassador Novak Djokovic.

Through this initiative, the company will establish a U.S. $10 million* fund and use it to bring smiles to kids all over the world, nurturing their dreams and giving them the tools to build a better and brighter future. The fund will be established from the sale of HEATTECH and Ultra Light Down items during the 2012 fall/winter season.

“Clothes for Smiles” will be comprised of two programs, at U.S. $5 million* each:
  •  One program will accept ideas from around the world to give children a better tomorrow
  •  The second will be an initiative to provide support to programs aimed at improving children’s education, through a global alliance agreement signed between UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) and Fast Retailing.
Tadashi Yanai, Chairman, President & CEO of leading global Japanese retailer Fast Retailing, said, “I am very pleased to launch today ‘Clothes for Smiles,’ the first fund to be established by UNIQLO, in partnership with Novak Djokovic. This is an innovative CSR initiative in terms of its scale, type of support provided, and its style of accepting ideas for the fund worldwide. ‘Clothes for Smiles’ will serve as one of UNIQLO’s major CSR activities alongside ongoing initiatives such as the All-Product Recycling Program and the social business.”
Commenting on the launch of “Clothes for Smiles,” UNIQLO Global Brand Ambassador Novak Djokovic said, “I feel honored, and indeed very excited, to have collaborated with UNIQLO in developing ‘Clothes for Smiles,’ a totally new program that aims at giving children of all ages a chance for a better future. I hope many people from all around the world will help to support this initiative and in doing so will bring smiles to children everywhere.”
Details of “Clothes for Smiles”

“Clothes for Smiles” will be comprised of two programs, at U.S. $5 million* each. One program will accept ideas from around the world to give children a better tomorrow, and implementing them. The second program is intended to provide support to programs aimed at improving children’s education, through a global alliance agreement signed between UNICEF and Fast Retailing. The program will initially provide support to Bangladesh, China, Philippines and Serbia, with more countries to follow.

*Dollar amount of the fund may vary according to the exchange rate.

How to be Involved in “Clothes for Smiles”

UNIQLO welcomes ideas for how to give kids a better tomorrow from people everywhere. The company would like to receive ideas for how to use the fund and asks the public to do so via a dedicated website Customers can support “Clothes for Smiles” just by purchasing one or more HEATTECH and Ultra Light Down items sold during the 2012 fall/winter season.

How to Share Ideas for the Fund/Idea Selection Process

Through our project website,, UNIQLO welcomes ideas from around the world to give kids a brighter future. The website will be available in 9 languages: Japanese, English, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Korean, Thai, French, Russian and Serbian, and it will accept entries for ideas in a total of 13 languages (Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, in addition to the above 9 languages). Japanese and English websites will be available initially, with other languages to follow.

Entries will be accepted from October 16, 2012 to December 31, 2012, and they will be available on the website for the public to view freely and comment on. The final selection will be made by a panel of judges that include, Nobel Peace Prize recipient Muhammad Yunus, architect Tadao Ando, Novak Djokovic and Fast Retailing Chairman, President & CEO Tadashi Yanai. The ideas selected by the panel are scheduled to be implemented from around March 2013.

Background and Launch of “Clothes for Smiles”

Since the appointment of Novak Djokovic as UNIQLO Global Brand Ambassador, announced in Paris on May 23, 2012, both parties have been discussing various measures to realize their common, mutual desire to improve people’s lives and contribute to society. As a result, UNIQLO has come to a decision to launch “Clothes for Smiles,” a program aimed at bringing smiles to kids all over the world, nurturing their dreams and giving them the tools to build a better and brighter future.

Global Alliance Agreement with UNICEF

UNICEF and Fast Retailing have signed a five-year global alliance agreement that will provide support to programs aimed at improving children’s education, initially in Bangladesh, China, Philippines and Serbia, with more countries to follow.

UNICEF works in 190 countries and territories to help children survive and thrive, from early childhood through adolescence. The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments. For more information about UNICEF and its work, visit

Novak Djokovic, Co-Founder of “Clothes for Smiles”

Born in Serbia on May 22, 1987, professional tennis player Novak Djokovic has captured a total of five Grand Slam titles to date - the 2008, 2011 and 2012 Australian Open, 2011 Wimbledon and the 2011 U.S. Open. In addition, he won the Men’s Singles title at the China Open in Beijing, on October 7, 2012.

Djokovic serves as a UNICEF National Ambassador in Serbia, and he established the Novak Djokovic Foundation in 2007. Through his foundation, he supports projects that help improve the lives and educations of young people in Serbia. For more information on the Foundation, please refer to

Novak Djokovic is involved with the “Clothes for Smiles” initiative in his capacity as UNIQLO Global Brand Ambassador.

About UNIQLO and Fast Retailing

UNIQLO is a brand of Fast Retailing Co. (FR), a leading global Japanese retail holding company that designs, manufactures and sells clothing under six main brands: Comptoir des Cotonniers, g.u., Helmut Lang, Princesse tam.tam, Theory, and UNIQLO. With global sales of 928 billion yen for the 2012 fiscal year ending August 31, 2012, FR is the world’s fourth largest apparel retail company and UNIQLO is Japan’s leading specialty retailer.

Today UNIQLO has more than 1,100 stores in 13 markets, namely in Japan, China, France, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, U.K. and U.S. UNIQLO continues to open large-scale stores in some of the world's most important cities and locations, as part of its ongoing efforts to solidify its status as a truly global brand. UNIQLO operates an integrated business model under which it designs, manufactures, markets and sells high-quality, casual apparel in line with its ‘Made for All’ philosophy.

With a corporate statement committed to changing clothes, changing conventional wisdom and change the world, FR is dedicated to creating great clothing with new and unique value to enrich the lives of people everywhere. For more information abodsut UNIQLO and other FR brands, please visit or

“Clothes for Smiles" Panel of Judges

Muhammad Yunus- Professor, Founder and Managing Director of Grameen Bank

A Bangladeshi banker and economist, Professor Muhammad Yunus pioneered the concept of microcredit, the practice of extending small, collateral-free loans to the poor. In 2006, he and the Grameen Bank received the Nobel Peace Prize for contributions to spurring economic and social development among the poor through microcredit. In 2010 Professor Yunus established Grameen UNIQLO LTD., a joint venture between the Grameen Group and UNIQLO, in order to conduct social business in Bangladesh.

Tadao Ando- Architect

Tadao Ando founded the company Tadao Ando Architect and Associations in 1969. Since then he has received numerous awards, including the Architectural Institute of Japan Annual Prize for his Azuka House in 1979, the Japan Art Academy Prize in 1993, the Pritzker Prize in 1995, and the UIA Gold Medal in 2005. Mr. Ando has had solo exhibitions at the MoMA in New York in 1991 and the Pompidou Center in Paris in 1993. He has also taught at Yale, Columbia and Harvard universities. In 2000 Mr. Ando established the Setouchi Olive Foundation, and since 2011 he has been serving as Vice-Chairman of the Reconstruction Design Council for the Great East Japan Earthquake. In addition, Mr. Ando is Chairman of the Momo-Kaki Orphans Fund.

Novak Djokovic -Professional Tennis Player

Born in Serbia on May 22, 1987, professional tennis player Novak Djokovic has captured a total of five Grand Slam titles to date: the 2008, 2011 and 2012 Australian Open tournaments, the 2011 Wimbledon Championships and the 2011 U.S. Open tournament. In addition, he has won the Men’s Singles title at the China Open in Beijing on October 7, 2012. Mr. Djokovic serves as a UNICEF National Ambassador for Serbia, and he established the Novak Djokovic Foundation in 2007. Through his foundation, he supports projects that help improve the lives and education of young people in Serbia.

Tadashi Yanai-Chairman, President and CEO of Fast Retailing Co., Ltd.

Born in Yamaguchi Prefecture on February 7, 1949, Tadashi Yanai graduated from Waseda University and worked in the retail sector for a major company in Japan before taking over his father’s company, Ogori Shoji Co., Ltd. (later renamed Fast Retailing). Mr. Yanai has led and grown UNIQLO to become Japan’s largest casual wear retailer. In addition to his role at Fast Retailing and UNIQLO, Mr. Yanai is a member of the Board of Directors of SOFTBANK CORP., and a director of Nippon Venture Capital Co., Ltd., Japan.
UNIQLO and Novak Djokovic Join Hands to Set Up “Clothes for Smiles” U.S. $10 Million Fund to Give Kids a Brighter Future

Thursday, October 18, 2012

NORTON: Announces availability of Norton 360 Multi-Device

NORTON: Announces availability of Norton 360 Multi-Device 

Manila, Philippines – Oct. 18, 2012 – Norton by Symantec (Nasdaq: SYMC) today released the latest versions of its award-winning core security products, Norton Internet Security and Norton AntiVirus, which are compatible with Windows 8 and engineered to be safer, optimized for speed and performance, and simpler to use.

Norton Delivers Protection for Windows® 8, Social Networking and Scams. New Releases Make Windows 8 Safer and Faster while Setting New Benchmarks for Protection and Performance

Enhancing the product line-up further, Norton 360 Multi-Device, a comprehensive security solution that provides security across platforms and devices, will also be available to consumers in Singapore.

 Ideal for consumers who have multiple devices and want a simple, easy-to-use security solution, Norton 360 Multi-Device provides protection for Windows based PCs, Macs, Android-based phones and tablets, right out of the box along with 25 Gig of online backup. It offers a single key to activate protection on all devices. It uses a cloud-based Norton management console that lets users take charge of their devices' security from anywhere, at any time, right over the Internet. In addition, Norton 360 Multi-Device is a flexible solution that allows customers to move protection from one device to another to meet their changing needs as they add or change the number and type of devices they own.

With five patented layers of protection, stronger social networking defenses, anti-scam capabilities, and improved cloud-enabled features, the latest Norton products set new benchmarks for protection and performance. In addition, the latest releases are Windows® 8 compatible and engineered to make Windows 8 safer and faster compared with running Windows Defender on Windows 8.

According to third-party testing, when paired with Norton, Windows 8 is 50 percent faster# and 20 percent safer than with Windows Defender#. In addition, testing showed that Norton was able to correctly detect and block all the threats that Windows Defender failed to recognize.#

“According to this year’s Norton Cybercrime Report#, one in 10 social network users said they’d fallen victim to a scam or fake link on social network platforms. Today, consumers are living nearly every aspect of their lives online and often putting personal information at risk,” said Janice Chaffin, Group President, Norton by Symantec. “With our latest releases, Norton responds to this and other consumer vulnerabilities with stronger social media and scam protection to ensure consumers are safe in the multi-device, Wi-Fi-enabled world.”

The latest Norton products are engineered to be safer, optimized for speed and performance, and simpler to use. In third-party testing, the new products ranked first in both protection# and performance# among a field of competitors. New features and improvements include:


In addition to industry-leading core security technologies, the new Norton releases feature protection enhancements including:

Social Networking Protection – New defenses protect consumers from attacks and scams on social networks, such as likejacking, malicious messages, posts and notices on social networks

Scam Insight – Anti-scam capabilities warn users of potentially risky sites that are new or do not have an established reputation within the Norton user community, enabling users to keep personal information such as bank account or login data secure

Enhanced Network Defenses – To keep consumers safe from constantly evolving web-based attacks, the latest releases feature stronger networking defenses including a new Intelligent Firewall and broader uses of Insight information, which now tracks IP address reputation in addition to file, URL and domain reputation


With consumers becoming more on-the-go with devices such as tablets and ultrabooks, faster startup, shutdown and improved battery power are increasingly important. The latest Norton products feature:

Faster Startup & Shutdown – Completely re-engineered to minimize startup and shutdown time

Maximized Battery Power – Reduced power consumption, resulting in extended battery life and faster response from system sleep and hibernate states

More Efficient Support for Digital Media Files – Designed to ensure digital media files – such as photos, music and videos – are safe from attack, without impacting performance


In addition to being safer and faster, Norton products are also simpler to use, offering enhancements including:

Touch Screen-Friendly – User interface is engineered for faster performance and optimized for touch screens

Version-Less – With all product updates now downloaded in the background and installed automatically, consumers can rest assured they are safe from the latest threats without manually checking for updates.

Reboot-Less – Product updates no longer require reboot, so consumers can receive the most up-to-date protection without being interrupted.

Pricing & Availability

The latest versions of Norton Internet Security and Norton AntiVirus are now available for purchase in the Philippines through various retailers and the Norton online store at

Pricing for Norton 360 Multi-Device will be available in November 2012.

The MSRP for one year of protection of:

  • Norton Internet Security: P1,200 for single PC
  • P2, 400 for up to three PCs.
Norton AntiVirus: P990 for single PC; P1,950 for up to three PCs.
Norton customers with a valid product subscription are eligible to receive the latest product updates via the subscription service model. 

For more information, visit the Norton Update center at



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