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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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The Great Wall of China in Mutianyu

The Great Wall of China is referred to in Mandarin as Wanli Changcheng (10,000-Li Long Wall or simply very long wall) BEIJING, CHINA- S...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013: Year of the Water Snake

2013: Year of the Water Snake

Happy New Year! I hope you had a happy celebration last January 1.  Since it is the beginning of the year, let's talk about Feng Shui. Like you, I also want to know what is in store for me this year. So, let's take a look at who is lucky and unlucky this year.

2013 is the year of the water snake according to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Water Snake will officially begin on February 10, 2013.

The Chinese animal signs considered as the luckiest during the Year of the Water Snake are the following:
  • Rat 
  • Dog
  • Tiger
  • Ox
  • Horse 
  • Dragon
With the the Tiger, Ox and Horse as the more fortunate signs in terms of wealth. The Dragon will be lucky also in terms of romance and education. 

Whereas, the not so lucky animal signs include the following:
  • Rabbit
  • Rooster
  • Sheep
  • Monkey
  • Pig 
  • Snake
Lucky color is emerald green.



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