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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

NESCAFÉ CAFÉ-IN-A-CAN: My Weekend Discoveries Part 2

NESCAFÉ CAFÉ-IN-A-CAN: My Weekend Discoveries Part 2
We all cheered upon learning that our first stop is Lanelle Abueva-Fernando’s café and pottery studio, the Crescent Moon CaféThis little haven is one of Antipolo City's prides.  It's the residence of ceramicist/ potter Lanelle Abueva-Fernando, daughter of National Artist for Sculpture Napoleon V. Abueva. When we alighted from the coaster van, the first thing I noticed was the  surroundings. The place is so heavenly. Crescent Moon Cafe is located within a big garden with many trees and a Koi pond. And by the way, it is hard to miss the big beautiful Lotus flower at the other side of the pond.
We were then asked to enter Crescent Moon Cafe where Lanelle Abueva was waiting for us. She explained to us how she started everything way back in 1981.  

There you can find contemporary ceramics, beautiful pottery, decorative porcelain and stoneware using rich glazes and vibrant patterns and ceramics. You can even spot some custom-made candle holders and pots for popular spas and restaurants. There are also hand-painted pieces which you could use as unique dining table centerpieces. Crescent Moon Café also has an “overruns” section where you can buy Ceramic items for only Php 200 per kilo. Overruns are rejected items that have some imperfections and didn’t pass quality control. Remember, pottery-making is an art, not a science. Therefore, minor imperfections may occur on the pottery. Yeah, you can buy these items way cheaper than an average meal.

Within the same compound, there is a "Studio Pottery" where workers do their art. This workshop is located inside the compound just a few meters from the restaurant. Lanelle Abueva patiently explained to us each step in the process of pottery making. Here, we were able to see the workers in action with our own eyes. We were able to see the different molds and interview some of the workers.

A pottery field trip will never be complete without seeing the potter herself throw some clay into the potter’s wheel!

From the workshop area, Lanelle led us into another area within the property. We all sat down and she then demonstrated to us how she centers her clay and turns it into a cylinder and a bowl afterwards.

A bucket of water and sponge are must-haves in pottery-making. Here, Lanelle taps her clay at low speed to the center of the wheel head. She makes sure that her clay will not go out of place as she spins the wheel faster.

Crescent Moon Cafe
Ascencion Road, Barangay Dalig, Antipolo City
Tel.: 658-3866

NESCAFÉ CAFÉ IN-A-CAN: My Weekend Discoveries

NESCAFÉ CAFÉ IN-A-CAN: My Weekend Discoveries
It is a fact and you could not deny it. More and more people are becoming mobile, making their weekends the official time to discover new places and new experiences. My best buddy, Ate Ning, is always on the lookout for seat sales, travel promos and the like. Yes, you can say that she makes new discoveries and fun ways to bring her friends and loved ones together. 

In that connection, I am super thrilled to share to all of you my latest weekend discoveries. Last Saturday, March 23, 2013, I was one of the selected bloggers invited by Nescafe to experience #weekenddiscoveries. 

Our day started at 9 o' clock in the morning at Mom and Tina's Bakery and Cafe (along C5 road in Pasig City) where we had a hefty breakfast and a glass of Iced Nescafe Espresso Roast coffee. Worth a special mention is the restaurant's yummy and spicy Hungarian Sausage. You people ought to try it!

Right after breakfast we were asked to get inside the coaster van without much idea on our destination/s.  Annalyn, Ate Reg, Vincent and I found vacant seats at the rearmost part of the coaster van. While the coaster van was jam-packed that some bloggers had to sit on the jump seats at the center aisle of the vehicle, I was happy to meet and mingle with new friends in the blogging community. We were so excited to discover what Nescafe has in store for us. 


The Hint.  The official invitation states that we should come in chic explorer/ casual resort wear.  Its official invite has symbols/ logos and time.  Plus, a special instruction for us to bring WIFI-enabled handsets and/ or tablets because our weekend discoveries activities will require us to use our personal gadgets. Aside from those hints, we really don't have any idea where the Nescafe team is taking us. We were busy asking one another where our possible destination/s is/ are. Then our host suddenly asked us to connect to the available wifi connections and asked everyone to tweet with the hash tag #weekenddiscoveries where we think our destination will be. I tweeted Antipolo City and guess what? Yes! I won and got this Nalgene food grade water container! Yehey! Update: It exploded. #Warak #madeinchina?

First Stop. Abueva Pottery 

Lanelle Abueva-Fernando is a potter based in Antipolo City.  She specializes in hand-made functional stoneware ceramics since 1981.  She welcomed us at her Crescent Moon Cafe.

Next Stop. Pinto Art Museum

We had our lunch at Bizu Patisserie inside the Pinto Art Museum where they offered us Nescafé café-in-a-can in different flavors to try out. These are: Iced Latte, Mocha, and Espresso Roast. I immediately raised both my hands when the waiter asked us who wants the Mocha flavor. It turned out Bianca Gonzales, Nescafé café-in-a-can newest endorser, also loves the same flavor.

NESCAFÉ CAFÉ IN-A-CAN is a discovery in itself, making it the ideal companion in making new discoveries wherever you are, whenever you are.

NESCAFÉ CAFÉ-IN-A-CAN comes in three variants.

The Ice cold NESCAFÉ Latte is a cold and delicious coffee treat with its premium and milkier taste of coffee quality. In this tropical heat, Ice cold coffee is a refreshing treat.

NESCAFÉ Espresso Roast gives a cold coffee drink with a more intense flavor which is ideal whenever you need a strong boost during the mornings. My fellow blogger Ana loves this flavor.

NESCAFÉ Mocha is a cold and sweet coffee treat with a hint of chocolate which works best when one does not need that extra caffeine fix.

My favorite among the three flavors is the Iced Mocha. You just have to make sure to take it just before noon so you don’t end up being awake all night. Yes, I still treasure my beauty sleep.

How about you? Which ice cold cafe-coffee flavor do you enjoy?

CAFÉ-IN-A-CAN packed in a convenient ready-to-drink format is available at gasoline stations nationwide. Now, you can get that strong boost wherever you are!

Overall, it's been a bit physically challenging but fantastic weekend.



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