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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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The Great Wall of China is referred to in Mandarin as Wanli Changcheng (10,000-Li Long Wall or simply very long wall) BEIJING, CHINA- S...

Monday, January 21, 2013

JUSTIN BIEBER: Posted Bare Butt on Instagram

JUSTIN BIEBER: Posted Bare Butt on Instagram
Justin Bieber, a Canadian pop artist, set the Internet ablaze last Saturday night by flashing his butt on camera. Maybe for lack of better things to do Justin Bieber posted a picture of his bare butt on Instagram. Shocks! Sporting a baseball cap, sunglasses, and a black tank top,  Justin Bieber pulled down his underwear to moon the camera.
I hope his young fans won't emulate him. 
Justin Bieber’s manager Scooter Braun later joked on Twitter, “as a prankster u have to respect another good prank. only makes sense. #crackdealer”

The singer gave no explanation for posting a picture of his posterior. He quickly deleted it, but not before it was passed along on the Web ( unedited photo below).

Justin posted a picture of his bare bottom on Instagram and, of course, within minutes the snapshot had over 15,000 likes and 2,700 comments. The photo received 86,000 likes and more than 19,000 comments before it was taken down. 

Warning: Butt crack below.

Kids don't emulate Justin Bieber please. 



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