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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Sunday, August 12, 2012



There are unscrupulous individuals who present themselves as businessmen with no proper receipt that sells LPG at Php 730 to 750 per 11 kg. tank.

Reason # 1 given: Sunday daw ngayon kaya walang resibo! Uhuh! That was their exact words when we ordered LPG the last time. I wonder kung may resibo sila kapag Monday ako nag order? BIR??

Reason #2: Mahirap ang supply. As in pahirapan makakuha ng delivery. Some independent refillers and small retailers, are still waiting for their supplies as transport ships have been unable to dock and discharge their cargo of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) due to the rough seas at the Bataan port.

DOE, sabi ninyo there was enough supply for residents of Metro Manila and nearby provinces ano nangyari?
Upon checking DOE's website today, August 12, 2012, merely eleven days after DOE posted the suggested retail prices. I found out that these businessmen increased their prices from Php 568 to Php 730, that is more than 100 pesos, my golly!

Yes, you read it right! As of August 1, 2012 the price for an 11 kg. LPG is pegged at Php 568.00. However, LPG players raised the prices of cooking gas by P7 per kilogram this month or P77 per 11-kg tank. This hike was due to the $168.50-per-metric-ton increase in the international contract price of LPG to $775 per ton, from the previous month’s price of $606.50 per ton.

According to a news report, LPG prices must not exceed Php 700.00.

Petron Genuine Gasul with FREE DELIVERY sells LPG at PHP 676.00 more than fifty pesos (Php 50.00) cheaper than those unscrupulous businessmen.

DOE appeal to customers to report to DOE retailers who are selling overpriced products, by calling (02) 840-2184. Overpricing of petroleum products such as LPG is sanctioned with an administrative fine of at least P10,000 and an appropriate criminal offense.

I believe that businessmen should NEVER raise prices especially after the flood.  I hope hindi sila manamantala, sa mga flood victims at sa iba pang Filipino in general. On behalf of the Filipino People, I urged distributors of basic commodities to be compassionate and not to take advantage of flood victims and Filipino people in general. Please do not hike the prices of goods and services. Maawa po kayo sa kapwa ninyo please.

Sa mga Government agencies: Paki aksyonan po please. Salamat.



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