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Today, I receive all God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s Universe. Today, I open myself to your Blessings, healing and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so that I become more like Jesus Everyday. Today, I proclaim that I’m God’s Beloved, I’m God’s Servant, I’m God’s powerful champion, And because I am blessed, I will bless the world, In Jesus Name, Amen.

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The Great Wall of China is referred to in Mandarin as Wanli Changcheng (10,000-Li Long Wall or simply very long wall) BEIJING, CHINA- S...

Sunday, November 4, 2012



Oh, la la! It is confirmed. Chiz and Heart spent All Soul's Day in Macau. Hala ka Chiz baka multuhin ka ng tatay mo na kamamatay lang. #Lagot ka.

Taken last Friday,November 2, 2012.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

CHIZ ESCUDERO AND HEART EVANGELISTA: A May December Affair At Election Time?

CHIZ ESCUDERO AND HEART EVANGELISTA: A May December Affair At Election Time?
Latest picture of Heart Evangelista and Chiz Escudero in Vigan, October 27, 2012.

Showbiz and politics enthusiasts went gaga, (yes, mabaliw baliw) when a series of blind items and intrigues circulated the web and tabloids months ago about the “newly annulled” Philippine Senator and a father of twins, Chiz Escudero and kapuso hottie Heart Evagelista who just broke up with her Brazilian-Japanese model/actor boyfriend Daniel Matsunaga months ago. 
Heart and Chiz were reportedly “exclusively dating” in public. See picture below.
 Photo from Philstardotcom

The rumor was fueled further when Heart tweeted this:
"I miss you Chiz curls!" heart said on her Twitter account last September 12, 2012.

Chiz is the nickname of Sen. Francis Escudero, to whom
Heart  Evangelista or Love Marie Ongpauco in real life has been linked.

Well, it doesn't take a genius to read between the lines...according to a famous song.
Fast forward to October 5, 2012. Chiz Escudero finally admitted his relationship with Heart Evangelista in Kris Aquino's ABS-CBN’s morning show, “Kris TV.”. Yes, just in time for the campaign period. Though I personally believe that it is unfair to perceived this as election gimmick only, a lot of people can't believe that Heart Evangelista, whose string of ex-boyfriends includes Daniel Matsunaga, Jerico Rosales etc.would fall for Chiz.
A few days after Chiz openly admitted in public that they were in a relationship. Heart Tweet Chiz an advance birthday greetings #Kilig factor for the masang Pilipino.

To which Chiz replied: Thank u ma'am! Good morning...:)

I always believe that age doesn't matter. Although these kind of  relationships between an older guy and a younger woman, inevitably encounter judgments or criticism,  I think, it is only right for the public to give them the benefit of the doubt. One, must take into consideration why a younger woman may be attracted to an older man. Here are several reasons why a younger woman fall in love with an older guy:
  • Older men are more stable.
  • Older men are most likely to commit 
  • Older men are more experienced sexually than a younger woman's male peers. 
  • And, yes, not to mention the financial benefits of an older partner. Older men tend to be generous and would shower a younger mate with a lot of material things and travels abroad.
  • Emotionally, women develop earlier than men, so a relationship with an older man may be more fulfilling in that way, as well.
People may talk and try to decode the motivation behind why Heart and Chiz are together. I believe they have to stay strong and remember that they don't have to justify their relationship to anyone.

One must remember that every relationship is unique and it would be silly to judge Chiz and Heart's relationsip based on their ages. Perhaps we should start by redefining love and beauty and recognizing that men and women don't just peak during youth. Relationships are more than physical attraction, and it is unfair to think that a May-December romance can't survive. Love exists in all different forms and among all different ages. is Hearts's latest post on Instagram
So what do you think? Personally do you think this is for the election? Would you vote for Chiz this coming election? Why? Please share with us your opinion please.

Friday, October 5, 2012

VIDEO: Chiz Escudero Admitted that Heart is his Girlfriend

VIDEO: Chiz Escudero Admitted that Heart is his Girlfriend

Chiz Escudero: Heart is my Girlfriend and Sanctuary.

Heart Evangelista is my girlfriend confessed Senator Francis “Chiz” Escudero. He made this admission on Friday’s episode of ABS-CBN’s morning show, “Kris TV.” 

Senator Francis "Chiz" Escudero finally admitted that he is in a relationship with actress Heart Evangelista. In his last co-hosting stint for ABS-CBN's morning talk show "KrisTV" hosted by Kris Aquino on Friday, October 5, 2012. Escudero opened up about his new love. "I would like to think so, yes," Escudero told Aquino when asked if Evangelista is his girlfriend. KrisTV.

Quote of Kris and Chiz's conversation:

“Is Heart Evangelista your girlfriend?” asked Kris Aquino, the main host of the show.

“I’d like to think so, yes, ” Escudero said.

Actress Heart Evangelista confessed that Senator Francis "Chiz" Escudero makes her happy. "Yes, he makes me laugh. All kinds of [laughter]. We are having fun," Evangelista said in an interview aired on the same program.

"Happy, happy birthday Senator Chiz, may God bless you more. Congrats on your show, you are doing very well and hello everybody at KrisTV," Evangelista said.

Asked to describe the senator, the actress replied, "Nakakatawa siya. He is a very funny person, pero pagdating sa serious matters, seryoso siya. Pero kapag walang nakatingin, normal siyang tao. [He is] very down to earth, cowboy [siya], ganyan."

Chiz Escudero bade goodbye to the KrisTV show and said he hopes that he could return next year. Aquino said that she expects the senator to return to her show on June 2013, after the mid-term elections. "Today is the birthday celebration and pansamantalang farewell episode kasi inaasahan ko after June 30 ay babalik ka," Aquino told Escudero, who replied: "Kung tatanggapin mo ako."

Source: KrisTV



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